About Us:

Facilitating and illustrating to help teams solve problems.

Mindflower is a Phoenix-based creative thinking and facilitation studio. We work with nonprofits, boards, leaders, and socially-driven organizations. We are dynamic workshop facilitators and creative visual practitioners. We help your team think critically and take action - all while having a little bit of fun.
Abby Wilkymacky - Founder of Mindflower Studio


Mindflower engages a team of talented and passionate collaborators on an as-needed basis. Each collaborator brings a wide range of expertise and experiences to support our work.
Christian Baca
Doug Reid
Kim Larkin
Mike Stone
Nancy Dean
Natalia Ronceria Ceballos
Nipuni Siyambalapitiya
Sarah Spencer
Connor Pendery
Albus Kittendore

How We Operate:

We lead with empathy, build true partnerships, stay curious, and maintain a playful approach to enhance creativity and results.

Humans are at the center of everything we do; we always lead with empathy. We respect your voice and expect the same in return. We will listen generously. We assume everyone has the best intentions. We collaborate well because we get to know and work with you as people, rather than projects.


We work WITH our clients, not just for them. We collaborate and design WITH people, not just for them. We believe in the power and knowledge of every person in the room. We bring our expertise and you bring yours. Together, we are better fit to solve problems.


We are lifelong learners. Asking questions makes us all smarter. We do not have all the answers. We are here to be ego-free collaborators. Throughout our time together, we will continually ask questions to no only ensure we are on track, but to make sure we are on the right track.


We don't take life too seriously, even though we take our work seriously. We believe that a playful approach produces better results. You may find us writing poems during a kickoff meeting, pretending to be our favorite fictional characters while brainstorming, or even hosting meetings on the Arizona trails.

Vocabulary Review:

Let's make sure we are all on the same page.


When we say methodology, we are talking about the broad strategy and process by which we approach our projects and research. Some of the methodologies that shape the way we think and work include:

- Design Thinking
- Visual Thinking
- Design Research
- Creative Problem Solving
- Ethnography
- Participatory Design
- Gamification
- Socratic Method and Pedagogy


We utilize tools to push our thinking, guide groups to new insights, and generate possible solutions. Tools are techniques, skills, and templates that help us do our work. Some of the tools we utilize in our day-to-day work include:

- Workshop and Meeting Facilitation
- Graphic Facilitation
- Graphic Recording or Visual Summaries
- Divergent and Convergent Thinking
- Contextual Inquiry
- Revamped Focus Groups
- Digital Facilitation Tools like Mural
- Empathy Mapping
- FourSight Innovation Tools


Deliverables are the results that come out of the project. We package our results in a variety of different ways, depending on the needs of your project. Some of the deliverables you can expect include:

- Workshop Experiences
- Illustrated Visual Summaries
- Graphic Recordings
- Strategic Plans
- Workshop Reports
- Research Findings / Takeaways
- Journey Maps
- Training / Immersions
- Foursight Mindset Assessment Results

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